What Is Puerh Tea

What Is Puerh Tea

Meaning of Puerh Tea

Pu-erh tea is a variety of compressed teas made from fresh leaves of Yunnan large-leaf tea trees, which are steamed and pressed into shape, and then stored for a certain period; or Pu erh tea made from sun-dried green tea of ​​Yunnan large-leaf varieties, which is processed by pile fermentation.

this is Chinese Yunnan Gushu puerh tea

History of Puer Tea

The history of Pu erh tea in China is fascinating. Pu erh cha is one of the oldest tea varieties in China, with a long history dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), which is more than 1,700 years old. When Cha Puer was most popular, it was traded freely and even used as a barter currency. High-quality Pu'er cha was once presented as a tribute tea to the Chinese emperor, and Pu'er cha is still a very valuable commodity today. Pu erh cha is revered in China as a traditional medicinal tea with many health benefits.

Types of Puerh Tea: Raw and Ripe Pu-erh Tea

Due to its unique processing technology and quality characteristics, Pu-erh tea is mainly divided into two types, namely raw and ripe pu-erh tea. There is a clear difference between the two types of tea in terms of taste and quality.

  • Raw pu-erh tea (sheng pu'er cha), also known as tea made from fresh tea leaves, is lightly rolled and dried to retain the original color and more tea polyphenols. This tea tastes fresh and refreshing, with a certain bitterness, but also has a rich layering and sweet aftertaste. After being stored for a long time, the substances in the tea will gradually transform and the taste will become mellow.
this is Chinese Yunnan Gushu raw puerh tea Sheng Puerh
2021 Chinese Gushu Tea Leaf Raw Puerh Tea
  • Ripe pu-erh tea (shou pu'er cha) has undergone a "pile fermentation" process, and its tea color is reddish brown or black. Tea polyphenols and other substances have undergone chemical reactions, reducing the bitterness and increasing the sweetness and mellowness. This tea has a relatively mild taste and is more suitable for most people's tastes.
this is Chinese Yunnan ripe puerh Shou Puerh 7581
2012 Chinese Ripe Puerh 12 Years Shou Puerh 7581

Guide to buying and brewing Pu'er cha

Whether you are tasting Puerh tea for the first time or just want to find some unique and adventurous teas to satisfy your taste, we have a selection of teas and blends for you to try. Here are some of our recommended teas:

this is Chinese Yunnan Gushu ripe puerh Shou Puerh
This is Chinese tangerine peel ripe Puerh Xiaoqinggan
Some key points you may need to pay attention:
 tea-to-water ratio of 1:20
 water temperature: boiled water
 recommended teaware: Nixing teapot or Yixing teapot
 water: spring water
Chinese Nixing pottery teapot
This is a Yixing teapot. this is Chinese yixing clay teapot
Chinese Yixing purple clay zisha teapot
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